Besides your name, the most important information to include on your luggage tag is the best way for the airline to contact you in the event that your luggage gets lost. It does no good to have your home phone listed if you are not home to answer the phone. Even worse is having nothing to wear because your luggage got delivered to your house instead of your hotel.
Especially important if you are traveling out of the country and will not have cell phone service is to include another contact phone number. If traveling on business this could be the number where you will be conducting your business. If the trip is for pleasure then the number at the hotel where you will be staying is good as your contact number. Even if you don’t have cell phone service, you should have access to your email, so be sure to include your email address.
There’s another reason you do not want to include your home address or phone number in your luggage tag information. Potential thieves scan luggage tags looking for that information. They know you are away traveling and have the address that is unoccupied. Even just listing the phone number can be a problem. Thieves will use it to look up the address and to call just to ensure the home is vacant.
Quick reference of what to include in your luggage tag information:
- Your name, preferably as it appears on your airline ticket
- Your cell phone number, the easiest way for the airline to contact you
- A destination phone number, either business contact or hotel, especially important if you will not have cell phone service
- Your email address, again important if you don’t have cell phone service
- Never include your home address or home telephone number because this lets potential thieves know where you live and that you are away.
In need of a luggage tag that will make your luggage easier to spot on the baggage carousel? Check out our new luggage tag in a travel themed print on aqua background. The all cotton fabric will hold up to even the roughest baggage handler.